Key statistics
- The best month to visit Paris for hot weather is July, with average temperatures of 19°C and highs of 25°C.
- If you prefer slightly cooler temperatures but still want some sunshine, April and September are good months to visit Paris.
- June has the most sunshine hours in Paris, averaging 8 hours and 6 minutes per day.
- The cheapest month to visit Paris is March when a one-night stay in a 3-star hotel and round-trip flights from the UK will cost an average of £276.80. Luggage storage service in Paris cost – €5.
- The months with the highest humidity in Paris are January and December, both with an average of 86%, while August has the lowest average humidity at 68%.
- The month with the lowest amount of rainfall in Paris is March (31.2mm), while December sees the most rainfall (45.7mm) on average.
- Average annual rainfall in Paris totals 466.6mm.
Paris weather by month
Like most places, the weather in Paris varies from month to month. Below is a summary of the average weather conditions in Paris during each month of the year, including average temperatures, rainfall, sunshine hours, and wind speeds.
Month | Highest temps (°C) | Lowest temps (°C) | Avg temps (°C) | Avg sunshine hours per day | Avg rainfall (mm) | Avg humidity | Muggy days | Avg wind speed (kph) |
Jan | 7 | 1 | 4 | 1:54h | 37.2 | 86% | 0.0 | 18.5 |
Feb | 8 | 1 | 4.5 | 2:54h | 32.2 | 81% | 0.0 | 18 |
Mar | 12 | 4 | 8 | 5:07h | 31.2 | 77% | 0.0 | 17.2 |
Apr | 16 | 7 | 11.5 | 6:30h | 33.2 | 73% | 0.0 | 15.9 |
May | 19 | 9 | 14 | 7:27h | 44.4 | 76% | 0.1 | 14.6 |
Jun | 22 | 12 | 17 | 8:06h | 43.2 | 77% | 0.6 | 14 |
Jul | 25 | 14 | 19.5 | 7:46h | 40.2 | 72% | 1.1 | 13.5 |
Aug | 24 | 13 | 18.5 | 7:03h | 34.5 | 68% | 0.8 | 13 |
Sep | 21 | 11 | 16 | 5:58h | 38.9 | 72% | 0.2 | 14.3 |
Oct | 16 | 8 | 12 | 4:03h | 44.7 | 78% | 0.0 | 15.8 |
Nov | 11 | 5 | 8 | 2:00h | 41.2 | 84% | 0.0 | 16.6 |
Dec | 7 | 2 | 4.5 | 1:29h | 45.7 | 86% | 0.0 | 17.8 |
Paris temperatures by month
If you’re looking for hot weather, the best month to visit Paris is July when you’ll see highs of 25°C, lows of 14°C and average temperatures of 19.5°C.
The coldest months in Paris are January and February where the typical lowest temperature is 1°C, with highs of 7°C in January and 8°C in February.

Average sunshine hours by month in Paris
Sunshine hours in Paris follow a similar pattern to temperatures, with more sunshine during the summer months. June offers the most sunshine hours on average with 8 hours and 6 minutes of sun per day. This is followed by July with 7 hours and 46 minutes of sunshine on a typical day. The period between May and August would be the best time to visit Paris for sunny weather.
December sees the fewest sunshine hours with an average of just 1 hour and 29 minutes of sun per day. December still has plenty to offer with beautiful Christmas lights and festivities to enjoy throughout the city. However, if you’re looking for sunny weather in Paris, you’d be best avoiding the months of November to February.

Average rainfall by month in Paris
If you don’t like getting caught in the rain, the best time to visit Paris would be between February and April, with March having the lowest average rainfall at 31.2mm (and temperatures of 8°C on average). The months with the highest levels of rainfall in Paris are December (45.7mm), October (44.7mm), and May (44.4mm).
The total annual rainfall in Paris is 466.6mm on average, meaning almost 10% of the year’s rainfall happens in December.

What is the cheapest month to visit Paris?
Based on the average costs for flights from the UK and a 3-star hotel, the cheapest month to visit Paris is March at a total of £276 for a one-night stay in a 3-star hotel and round-trip flights.
The most expensive month to travel and stay in Paris is April when flights and a hotel will cost an average of £506.49 in total.
Flight (round-trip) | Average hotel price for Paris (3-star) | Total | |
Jan | £236.92 | £209.40 | £446.31 |
Feb | £123.85 | £320.75 | £444.60 |
Mar | £126.06 | £150.74 | £276.80 |
Apr | £221.85 | £284.64 | £506.49 |
May | £141.09 | £153.48 | £294.56 |
Jun | £165.93 | £224.79 | £390.71 |
Jul | £133.66 | £212.88 | £346.54 |
Aug | £128.96 | £163.15 | £292.11 |
Sep | £124.20 | £189.82 | £314.03 |
Oct | £117.32 | £192.03 | £309.35 |
Nov | £117.99 | £160.65 | £278.64 |
Dec | £144.39 | £162.48 | £306.86 |
To determine these prices, we analysed over 300 hotels with 3-star ratings and took an average cost. We also calculated an average cost from 60 different flight options from the UK.
Cost and weather comparison in Paris by month
When deciding when to visit a new destination, many travelers compare the costs at certain times of the year against the average weather to determine the best time to visit.
The chart below shows a comparison between the average costs for flights from the UK and an overnight stay at a 3-star hotel, with the average temperatures per month in Paris.
Some of the warmer months actually work out cheaper than colder months, with August having the third cheapest average cost and being the second warmest month on average. April is the most expensive month to visit Paris, but offers cooler temperatures and some of the lowest average rainfall compared to other months.

Local festivals and celebrations by month in Paris
Paris – like Rome, Barcelona or London City Center – hosts a number of festivals, holidays and cultural events throughout the year. If you’re interested in any of these events, it may help you decide the best time for you to visit. It could also give an indication of when the city might be particularly busy if you’re looking to avoid some of the crowds.
Many of the key events in Paris are held through Spring and Summer from around May to August. Quieter months for public events are earlier in the year during January and February.
A few of the most notable events in Paris are the various Paris Fashion Weeks which take place on various dates throughout the year, the Paris Marathon in March, and the Tour de France in July.
Festivities, Holidays and Traditions in Paris | Month |
Paris Fashion Week | Varying Dates |
Fête de la Gastronomie | March |
Paris Marathon | April |
Jazz Festival in Paris | May |
Roland Garros | May/June |
Fête de la Musique | June |
Bastille Day | July |
Paris Pride | July |
Tour de France | July |
Cinéma en Plein Air à la Villette | July/August |
Versailles Masquerade Ball | August |
Rock en Seine | August |
Jazz à la Villette | August/September |
Autumn Festival | September to December |
Arc de Triomphe Horse Race | October |
Nuit Blanche | October |
Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre | November |
Pitchfork Festival | November |
Fête du Beaujolais Nouveau | November |
Salon du Chocolat | December |